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Smoky skies with hot, dry weather ahead

Several 90 degree days ahead

nws fcst
Forecast for the Twin Cities area through next week
National Weather Service

Wildfire smoke is creating haze and occasionally unhealthy air across Minnesota Friday. It will be warmer and breezy Friday afternoon but hot by Saturday with highs well into the 90s for many.

Smoky skies

Smoke is creating moderate air quality (yellow category) nearly statewide Friday morning with readings occasionally in the unhealthy for sensitive groups (orange) category.  

smoke map AQ
Smoke analysis and air quality early Friday morning
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration

An air quality alert remains through late Friday evening for most of central and northern Minnesota into western Wisconsin.

AQ 6a
Air quality alert for Friday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Check the latest air quality conditions, alerts and forecasts here:

Heating up

Friday will see high temperatures closer to normal, though slightly above for most.

fri hi 8a
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

This comes after a cool morning across most of the state after Thursday saw statewide high temperatures in the 70s, slightly below normal. Lows on the Iron Range were in the upper 30s to low 40s early Friday.

lows FRI
Low temperatures reported early Friday morning
National Weather Service

The heat really blasts in for Saturday with widespread highs in the mid 90s for central and southern Minnesota with some west central locations reaching the upper 90s.

sat hi 8a
Forecast highs Saturday
National Weather Service

Dew points will be in the 60s to even near 70 Saturday afternoon.

sat dew 8a
Forecast dew points Saturday afternoon
National Weather Service

Those dew points could push the heat index values into triple digits Saturday afternoon for some.

sat heat index
Forecast heat index Saturday afternoon
National Weather Service

A weak cool front will drop dew points and temperatures some Sunday, back into the 80s south and 70s north. Unfortunately, the front will pass through without touching off any rain.

sun hi
Forecast highs Sunday
National Weather Service

Next week will see temperatures soar back into the 90s by Tuesday, possibly even Monday into Thursday. The pattern looks to remain dry as well.