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Twin Cities air quality alert canceled, northern Minnesota conditions improving rapidly

Updated 2:22 p.m.

An air quality alert is no longer in effect for Twin Cities metro area.

Thursday midmorning, air quality had significantly improved overnight across northern and central Minnesota.

These are current conditions as of 1:45 p.m. Thursday:

Ait quality alert map
Air quality alerts (gray) have receded from the Twin Cities. Hazardous weather outlooks, in yellow, still remain in the metro.
National Weather Service

Winds from the northeast have pushed the heavy smoke into southern Minnesota where it will stall through Friday.

Air quality alerts remain through early Friday for portions of southern Minnesota as smoke and ozone linger. Air quality has improved from last night when it reached record poor levels.

The air quality will improve for all into Friday and the weekend.

smoke model
Forecast vertically integrated smoke 7 a.m. Thursday through 11 p.m. Friday
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