Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Snow showers north Tuesday; snow, rain, thunder Thursday into Saturday

Colder Wednesday before warming ahead of rain Thursday

NE MN snow TUE
Forecast snowfall with potential of snow squalls Tuesday in northeast Minnesota
National Weather Service

Northern Minnesota gets a fresh coating of snow Tuesday. Wednesday’s colder statewide with subfreezing highs. Rain, snow and even thunder develop late Thursday into Saturday.

Snow showers for northern Minn., then colder

Snow showers will continue to spread east across northern Minnesota Tuesday with sunshine south through the morning.

tue precip 9
Forecast precipitation through Tuesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Most snowfall will be light but there could be some heavier, quick bursts of snow or snow squalls Tuesday afternoon in northeastern Minnesota.

MN snow
Forecast snowfall through Wednesday
National Weather Service

Temperatures will continue to be below normal with highs near 40 in far southern Minnesota to just teens in northwestern Minnesota Tuesday afternoon.

high TUE 9
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

We’ll have a brief shot of even colder temperatures behind the Tuesday clipper system. Temps will dip below zero across northern and western Minnesota Tuesday night.

Tue NT low
Forecast low temperatures Tuesday night into early Wednesday
National Weather Service

High temperatures Wednesday will be 10 to 25 degrees below normal and subfreezing nearly statewide.

wed high 9
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Rain, thunder, snow late Thursday

Showers and even thunderstorms develop late Thursday into Thursday night across southern Minnesota with rain and snow in northern Minnesota.

thu precip 9
Forecast precipitation Thursday into Thursday night
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

There’s even a general (low) risk of some severe storms with mainly a large hail threat Thursday night along far southern Minnesota.

spc THU
Forecast severe weather risk Thursday into Thursday night
NOAA Storm Prediction Center

The best chance of accumulating snowfall Thursday night will be in northern Minnesota.

Thu NT snow chance
Probability of more than 2 inches of snow for late Thursday into Thursday night
National Weather Service

Late Friday rain turns to snow across southern Minnesota with the possibility of snow somewhere in central or southern Minnesota.

fri precip 9
Forecast precipitation Friday into early Saturday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

There remains uncertainty with this second round of potential snowfall.

ch snow fri night
Probability of more than 1 inch of snowfall from two different computer models for late Friday into early Saturday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather