Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Blizzard continues in western Minnesota; getting icy

The cold front has moved through and Minnesota is on the backside of this March-like storm.

Forecast weather map for Wednesday
Forecast weather map for Wednesday
NOAA Weather Prediction Center

Blizzard continues in western Minnesota

Blizzard conditions continue in western Minnesota this Wednesday morning with winds gusting to around 50 mph. Some roads are closed.

Winter storm alerts for western Minnesota
Winter storm alerts for western Minnesota
National Weather Service

Cold northwest wind

That strong northwest wind is producing falling temperatures. As temperatures fall below freezing, areas that got rain or had melting snow on Tuesday will experience freezing into ice. Walking and driving could be hazardous.

Twin Cities will get icy

The Twin Cities picked up around an inch of rain since Tuesday morning. The precipitation will end as light snow Wednesday morning with little or no accumulation. Falling temperatures will freeze any standing water into dangerous ice. Watch your step.

Colder Thursday

Colder air will continue to blow into the state for Thursday. Highs will be from the teens to low 20s. The Twin Cities should have a high around 19.

Then moderating

Friday will be less chilly. The weekend will be warmer than normal again.