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Much milder weather returns Monday

After a frigid weekend, all of Minnesota makes it back above zero

The dangerous cold of the weekend is over, and Monday will be a mild and mostly sunny day.

Monday’s forecast

Under a southerly wind flow that began on Sunday, temperatures across the state have quickly been transitioning from arctic to more seasonable January cold.

While there are still a few negative morning temperatures in central Minnesota and portions of the Arrowhead, most of Minnesota is in the positive single-digits, and the southwestern corner of the state even has a few teens Monday morning.

In fact, some areas even saw temperatures rise overnight due to the mild wind pattern. For example, the Twin Cities was at 2 degrees at midnight, and is now at 7 as of 7 a.m.

Most of the state will make it at least into the teens for highs Monday, ranging to a couple 30s southwest, under widespread sunshine.

weather graphic
Monday high temperatures
National Weather Service

This is much closer to average highs for early January.

A storm that brings mid-week snow moves another round of artic cold across the state by Wednesday.
That extended forecast will be updated around 9 a.m.

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on Minnesota Public Radio at 7:49 a.m. Monday through Friday morning.