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Milder weather returns briefly, then another arctic blast

Minnesota sees another rounds of widespread snow Tuesday into Wednesday

Southerly winds are returning Minnesota to more seasonable weather, but the milder trend does not last long. A storm Tuesday into Wednesday brings measurable snow, gusty winds and much colder air back to the state.

Monday’s forecast

Under a southerly wind flow that began on Sunday, temperatures across the state have quickly been transitioning from arctic to more seasonable January cold.

While there are still a few negative morning temperatures in central Minnesota and portions of the Arrowhead as of 9 a.m., most of Minnesota is in the positive single digits, and the southwestern corner of the state even has a number of spots in the teens.

In fact, some areas even saw temperatures rise overnight due to the mild wind pattern. For example, the Twin Cities was at 2 degrees at midnight and 10 degrees as of 9 a.m.

Most of the state will make it at least into the teens for highs Monday, ranging to a couple 30s southwest, under widespread sunshine.

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Monday high temperatures
National Weather Service

This is much closer to average highs for early January.

More snow and cold

Tuesday will be even milder by a couple of degrees, with most highs in the teens north and a few more low 30s south, including for the Twin Cities.

However, a strong storm starts moving snow across the state by the afternoon, with more persistent snow overnight Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

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Forecast storm position Tuesday night
Tropical Tidbits

Snow then diminishes and clears Wednesday afternoon.

Totals are forecast to be around 2 inches in the Twin Cities, with up to 4 inches in portions of northern Minnesota, and higher amounts near the North Shore.

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Snowfall forecast Tuesday into Wednesday
National Weather Service

The low pressure of the storm is forecast to track directly over southern Minnesota Tuesday afternoon and evening, causing high winds and pulling in much cold air behind it.

Winds overnight Tuesday and Wednesday morning will gust to at least 20 mph for all of the state, with gusts over 40 mph expected south.

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Wind gusts Tuesday night and Wednesday
National Weather Service

The cold front of the storm will be through all of Minnesota by late Tuesday, and the gusty winds will funnel colder air in through the day Wednesday. This means much of the state will set highs for Wednesday at midnight, with colder temperatures in the single digits across most of Minnesota by the afternoon.

By Thursday morning, all of Minnesota will be subzero once more. Another round of dangerous cold persists through Friday, before the weather turns milder again for the weekend.

Here is that Twin Cities forecast showing the temperatures take another colder dive:

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Twin Cities forecast through Thursday
National Weather Service

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on Minnesota Public Radio at 7:49 a.m. Monday through Friday morning.