Education News

Comic: 1st-year teacher hurdles compounded during pandemic

It's been a year since teachers were handed an unprecedented challenge: Educate students in new ways amid the backdrop of a pandemic. In this comic series, we'll illustrate one educator's story each week from now until the end of the school year.

Episode 9

In this week's comic, Alvaro Salas discusses the challenges of starting his teaching career in a school year that was unlike any other. He teaches middle school social studies at Bonham Academy in San Antonio.

Panel 1
LA Johnson | NPR
Panel 2
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Panel 3
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Panel 4
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Panel 5
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Panel 6
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Panel 7
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Panel 8
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Panel 9
LA Johnson | NPR
"They say your first year is always the hardest or the craziest, and I went into it with that mindset, and it just happened to be the year that we were hit by a pandemic." — Alvaro Salas, teacher in San Antonio.
LA Johnson | NPR

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