MPR News Presents

Jim Klobuchar tells MPR's Gary Eichten about his 2007 book, 'Pieces of My Heart'

Gary Eichten's "Midday at Night" farewell
Well-wishers including former Star Tribune columnist Jim Klobuchar (center) crowd the stage to say goodbye to retiring Midday host Gary Eichten (right) during his farewell party at the Fitzgerald Theater in January 2012.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2012

This hour, we remember award-winning Minnesota writer Jim Klobuchar, who died May 12 at the age of 93. He was a longtime Star Tribune columnist, outdoor adventurer, some-time philosopher, and the author of many books.

One of those books was about some of the people who influenced his life, and he titled it, "Pieces of My Heart: Everyone Has an Everest." When the book came out in 2007, he was a guest on Gary Eichten's Midday program.

The decades-long adventurer said he was a person who had a “curiosity about what’s around the corner,” and that his attitude toward nature “evolved from arena to sanctuary.”

This book, he said, focused on people and their stories, many of whom showed him how to find fulfillment in life and appreciate the gifts he’d received.

All Things Considered host Tom Crann talked to Eichten about Jim Klobuchar on May 12. You can also hear that interview here.

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