MPR News Presents

APM Call to Mind special: Spotlight on Rethinking Mental Health Care

Spotlight on Rethinking Mental Health Care
Call to Mind Spotlight on Rethinking Mental Health Care
Call to Mind | APM

“Spotlight on Rethinking Mental Health Care” is the first of two programs from APM’s Call to Mind initiative for Mental Health Awareness Month in May.

It presents an honest critique of the nation’s mental health care shortcomings, while highlighting tangible solutions and models for improving access and quality of care.

This is a candid, solutions-oriented discussion about mental health policy and care delivery in the U.S. This program was recorded from a live virtual event on April 15.

Program 1: Our Mental Health Crisis, By Design.

America’s mental health system is designed to deliver too little care, too late. Current policy and care systems devote the most resources to treating people in crisis, but provider and bed shortages remain common. How are people still finding ways to connect with help?

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.