MPR News Presents

Climate One: President Biden's climate change challenges, and opportunities

Signing the Paris Agreement on climate change
Then U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry holds his granddaughter Isabel Dobbs-Higginson as he signs the Paris Agreement on climate change at U.N. headquarters.
Mark Lennihan | AP 2016

At the start of a new presidency, Joe Biden is building his team to get the U.S. back on track to address climate change. Will the appointment of fresh new leadership advance Biden's approach to bold climate action?

What other policy changes can begin to roll back the past four years of environmental damage?

Host Greg Dalton speaks with two former cabinet secretaries and a former White House climate advisor on what's being done, and what comes next, in Biden's whole-government approach to climate action.

John Podesta is founder, Center for American Progress, former Bill Clinton administration White House advisor and former Hilary Clinton Campaign Chairman.

Christine Todd Whitman is former EPA Administrator under President George W. Bush and former Republican governor of New Jersey.

Chuck Hagel is former U.S. Secretary of Defense under President Barack Obama and former Republican US Senator from Nebraska.

Interviews recorded Jan. 4, 2021