MPR News Presents

Westminster Town Hall Forum: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson on climate change and humanity

Broadcast of the Westminster Town Hall Forum with marine biologist Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, the co-editor of "All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis."

Ayana Elizabeth Johnston, founder and CEO of Ocean Collectiv.
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, founder and CEO of Ocean Collectiv.
Courtesy of Westminster Town Hall Forum

One of the leaders of the 2017 March for Science, Johnson says there needs to be a sense of urgency about climate change, and we can only make good policy decisions if they are based on science and facts. “The future of life on earth is at stake.”

A Ph.D. marine biologist, she says “the ocean is not just a climate victim, it is also a climate hero.”

She said she is not “hopeful,” but is a “brutal realist.” She urged that we “dismantle racism,” because “racism derails our efforts to save the planet.”

MPR's Dan Kraker was the moderator of this “virtual” Westminster Town Hall Forum, at Westminster Presbyterian Church in downtown Minneapolis.

It is the kickoff event for Minnesota's 10-day Great Northern Festival, which is focused on celebrating and keeping the north cold.

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is founder and CEO of Ocean Collectiv.

Katharine Wilkinson is the co-editor of Johnson’s book, “All We Can Save.”