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Minneapolis MLK Day speakers: Deval Patrick, Rev. Bernice King and Andrew Young

MLK at U
Dr. Martin Luther King walking through the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota with aides Andrew Young (L) and Bernard Lee (R), and U of M President O. Meredith Wilson before his April 27, 1967 speech.
Jason Onerheim | Minnesota Historical Society

Three speakers from Minneapolis Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfasts, this year and past.

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast “virtual” speakers for 2021: Rev. Bernice King, the CEO of the King Center and former UN Ambassador, along with mayor and congressman Andrew Young.

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast in person keynote speaker from 2016: former Massachusetts governor and civil rights attorney Deval Patrick.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast is hosted by General Mills and the United Negro College Fund.

At the end, you can listen to a StoryCorps 2020 remembrance of Martin Luther King by Clara Jean Ester.

Click the audio player above to listen.