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MPR News' Photos of the Year: 2020

The moments that defined 2020 in Minnesota

Students give each other air hugs from across their desk.
Kindergarten students practice air hugs Sept. 10, while watching a video on how to "greet from 6 feet" during class at Wildwood Elementary in Stillwater, Minn.
Evan Frost | MPR News

In the year where the phrase “new normal” seemed to take a new meaning every day, our photographers had no shortage of assignments, and new challenges, too. The spring started with apprehension of a coming pandemic and quickly moved into stay-at-home orders and empty streets. 

They captured emotion from underneath masks and navigated crowded streets filled with protest after the killing of George Floyd. They told the stories of veterans of World War II, saw birthdays celebrated by parade, highlighted Native Minnesotans bringing positive change to their communities and watched the first doses of a historic vaccine be administered.

All of these moments and stories make just a slice of what this year has meant to Minnesotans. No one knows yet what 2021 will bring, but our photographers will be there to capture whatever may come. We hope you enjoy our selection of photos as we look back at 2020.