Politics and Government News

Minnesota casts 10 electoral votes for Biden and Harris ticket

A man signs a ballot for president.
Muhammad Abdurrahman, one of the state's 10 electors, casts his vote for Joe Biden for president during the Minnesota Electoral College Assembly on Monday.
Christine T. Nguyen | MPR News

Minnesota’s Electoral College assembly went off without a hitch Monday and all 10 votes went to Democrat Joe Biden.

The president-elect won the state’s popular vote in November despite a strong push by Republican President Donald Trump. 

The electors voted for Biden for president and Kamala Harris for vice president as they had pledged and state law requires. 

Secretary of State Steve Simon said it’s a solemn duty in America’s tradition to peacefully transfer power.

“There are those in our country who have tried to cast doubt on the outcome of the election, but the votes have been properly cast, counted and in some cases recounted,” Simon said. “The results have been certified. Courts nationwide have affirmed the outcomes as procedurally fair and accurate.”

Biden and Harris defeated Trump and Mike Pence by more than 233,000 votes in Minnesota in November, or 52 percent to 45 percent.

Minnesota has a winner-take-all system that gives all the electoral votes to the popular vote winner. Had Trump won the state, a slate of Republican electors would have cast Minnesota’s votes.

Trump’s campaign challenged the result right up to the Electoral College meetings in all 50 states. 

Congress will officially receive the votes in early January, two weeks before Biden's inauguration.