Morning Edition

Remembering Twin Cities poet Carol Connolly

Carol Connolly, a beloved figure in the Twin Cities literary world and the city of St. Paul’s first poet laureate, has died.

For years, Connolly hosted the popular monthly series Readings by Writers. Beyond writing poetry, she was a columnist, a playwright and a humorist — and she was politically active, as well. She served as chair of the St. Paul Human Rights Commission, as a Minnesota Racing Commissioner and as co-chair of the Minnesota Women's Political Caucus.

About 15 years ago, she spoke with MPR News Host Steven John about receiving the poet laureate distinction. When asked if she ever saw herself in this role, she responded: “absolutely never.”

That's because she came to writing somewhat by accident, later in life. Click the player above to hear selections from her 2006 interview with John, which re-aired Tuesday on Morning Edition.