Election 2020

A nonprofit with ties to Democrats is sending out millions of ballot applications. Election officials wish it would stop.

A voter registration has handwriting noting the death of the recipient.
The Center for Voter Information has faced reports it sends voter registration forms to deceased people like this one returned blank to elections officials in Florida.
Courtesy of Pasco County Supervisor of Elections

By Joshua Eaton, Lauren Rosenthal and Thy Anh Vo, ProPublica

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Gerry Cohen had already voted, dropping off his state-issued ballot at his local post office, by the time the unsolicited mail ballot applications started showing up at his house in early September. The first one or two didn’t bother him. Cohen knows elections: He teaches election law at Duke University and is a Democratic member of the Board of Elections in Wake County, North Carolina. Sending applications directly to voters is “a good public service,” he said.

But Cohen has received at least seven unsolicited mail ballot applications since he voted — not from the state or county, but from the same get-out-the-vote group. “It’s extremely disruptive and reaches the level of a disinformation campaign,” Cohen said. “I think seven is malicious.”

The applications were from the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Voter Information, which, along with its sister organization, the Voter Participation Center, is conducting a massive campaign to register voters and promote mail-in voting. The nonprofits aim to send 340 million pieces of mail this election cycle, with a focus on two dozen key states. The groups describe themselves as nonpartisan, but they were founded by a former Democratic operative, and the organization has spent at least $47,142 this cycle to promote former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential bid and $40,065 supporting other Democrats, according to public filings.

Election officials say CVI has made a host of mistakes that have buried their offices in unnecessary paperwork and swamped them with calls from voters. Mailers from groups like CVI, which can be mistaken for official documents sent by state or local governments, are confusing voters at a time when states are racing to expand voting by mail during a pandemic, according to election officials from both parties. President Donald Trump has stoked fears of voter fraud by citing CVI’s activities.

As states ramp up mail-in voting, CVI and other direct-mail groups across the country are causing friction by tackling responsibilities that traditionally belong to the government: the sending of ballot applications and other election-related materials. Alabama’s secretary of state warned residents in early October against using unofficial voter registration forms from a group called Election Mail Service, a project of a Texas public benefit corporation called Civitech. Ohio and North Carolina officials have also put out public statements about unsolicited registration forms from Civitech, some of which were prefilled with incorrect names, addresses and other personal information.

Civitech CEO Jeremy Smith said the group made efforts to contact all affected voters, and it attributed the erroneous mailers in North Carolina, which make up 0.2% of all its mailers this cycle, to a vendor error. He also said the firm attempted to coordinate with Alabama officials before sending forms across the state. Civitech is a nonpartisan organization, but in a September interview published on Medium, Smith said it does make some tools for only Democratic or unaffiliated candidates.

Election officials say that, while CVI’s mission may be admirable, it causes too much collateral damage. “It’s not about the good that one organization does,” said Jared Dearing, director of Kentucky’s State Board of Elections and a Democrat. “It’s about the net value for the whole system. If you register one person but create so much anxiety and consternation, how many voters get so turned off they don’t interact with the system at all?”

CVI argues that the vast majority of its mailers are accurate, and while a small percentage of people receive one with a mistake, they otherwise reach voters who would be overlooked. But for years, CVI has been criticized for the inaccuracy of its mailers and has faced reports that it has sent voter registration forms to the deceased, to longtime voters who are already registered and even to pets with human-sounding names. Several state and local election officials said that they have asked CVI to use more up-to-date voter lists and make it clearer that its letters do not come from the government. CVI said its mailers include disclaimers that it is not a government organization.

Tom Lopach, the CEO of CVI and its sister organization, defended his organization’s role and said it is filling a hole left by local election operations. “The sad reality is that underfunded state and county election offices don’t have the resources to run voter registration programs,” Lopach said. “Beyond pointing unregistered voters to their websites, or trying to do outdoor registration drives in a pandemic, election officials are unprepared and incapable of finding and registering eligible Americans who are not participating in democracy.”

This year, election offices have received more than 5 million vote-by-mail applications from CVI, and they’ve received an additional 1.5 million of the group’s voter registration applications this cycle, the nonprofit said. Those figures, Lopach said, are based on barcode tracking on return envelopes, which shows when an application is received by a local election office. CVI later checks how many of those people are registered. Those numbers may include duplicate applications submitted by the same individual, Lopach said.

For vote-by-mail applications, CVI said it uses official voter rolls to find known registered voters. For voter registration, it focuses on people who aren’t always included in official records — including unmarried women, people of color and young people, who may relocate more often without updating their addresses. Its analysts search for these harder-to-reach voters in commercial databases — like magazine subscription lists — then compare them to official voter rolls, death records and other databases. CVI then uses that data to send unsolicited mailers to addresses of potential unregistered voters.

In a normal year, less than 1% of CVI’s mailers have inaccurate voter information, an incorrect application or the wrong return envelope, Lopach said. He added that some errors are inevitable, and that the group also encounters mistakes in official voter files.

He acknowledged that CVI can create more work for local election officials but said that it’s part of their job to respond to voter concerns. Lopach also cited a variety of factors confusing voters this year, but he believes the Center for Voter Information is not one of them.

Still, the group’s mistakes have made it a lightning rod, with Democrats and Republicans alike taking to social media to wonder aloud whether a letter from CVI is part of a voter suppression effort by the opposite party.

In North Carolina, Cohen and his fellow election officials in Wake County were already preparing for a massive increase in absentee voting this year. Then CVI started mailing 1.8 million ballot request forms across the state in August.

Individual voters have submitted as many as four requests for the November 2020 election, according to Wake County, and each application has to be processed individually. “Voters get them, people who aren’t really knowledgeable, and they fill it out,” Cohen said. “A week later, they haven’t gotten their ballot yet, [so] they send in another form.”

This wasn’t the only recent CVI controversy in North Carolina. In June, the group sent 80,000 absentee ballot application forms to voters with their names and addresses filled out. That prompted a public statement from the State Board of Elections that prefilled forms had been banned by the state legislature in 2019 and that those applications could not be processed.

CVI re-sent 80,000 blank applications to the same recipients, Lopach said, and the group “believed that it was complying with the new law, and had received written assurances from the state regarding its mailing,” though he declined to share copies of those assurances.

Patrick Gannon, a spokesman for the state’s Board of Elections, said the agency typically tries to review third-party mailings. “If we miss something in our review, that doesn’t relieve that group or any other of the obligation to comply with North Carolina law,” Gannon said.

This year, officials in other states have escalated their frustrations with the nonprofit. In September, Kentucky’s Republican secretary of state, Michael Adams, released a statement calling the CVI mailers a “scam.” Lopach responded by telling Kentucky media outlets that the secretary of state’s comments were “a shameful attempt to disenfranchise Kentucky voters by discouraging them from registering to vote.”

Dearing, the top election administrator in Kentucky, said it’s unfair for Lopach to claim officials aren’t doing enough.

In an Aug. 25 email to an attorney for CVI, Dearing pleaded with the group: “PLEASE DO NOT send paper applications to voters in Kentucky. In doing so you would create large amounts of voter confusion and generate a large volume of duplicate applications that would have the potential of doing very real harm to this system.”

Instead of paper applications, Dearing suggested directing residents to the state’s online portal, where they can both register to vote and request mail-in ballots. The same services are also available over the phone. Dearing’s office also sent 500,000 postcards to unregistered voters earlier this year directing them to the online portal.

After speaking to Dearing over the phone, CVI decided not to send mail-in ballot application forms to Kentucky voters. But the group proceeded with mailing registration forms to Kentuckians in September. Dearing’s office was jammed with calls, including many from longtime voters who worried they had somehow been removed from the rolls.

“If you pull some crap and unregister me to vote, I will hunt you down,” one caller threatened in a voicemail to the Kentucky Board of Elections in September. “I will destroy you in a court of law and bury you under so many lawsuits you will never see the light of day!”

In August, CVI sent 500,000 vote-by-mail applications to Virginia residents with the wrong return address. Days later, Trump seized on the issue and told reporters that “half a million incorrect absentee ballot applications were sent all across the state of Virginia, including to many dead people” before he launched into an attack on mail-in voting.

A CVI vendor took responsibility, saying it accidentally mixed up eight Virginia jurisdictions. More than 35 mail crates of completed applications that should have gone to Fairfax County, for example, ended up at Fairfax City Hall. Brenda Cabrera, director of elections for Fairfax City, said her staff spent most of four days responding to calls from confused voters about CVI’s mailers. She said callers mentioned “a lot of the buzzwords — voter suppression, voter fraud.”

“It just fed into every story on both sides of the aisle, of what people are afraid of,” Cabrera said, “and it fed that fear in a really detrimental, unproductive and administratively difficult way.”

Though the mistake generated a lot of fear and concern, CVI said the mailers were ultimately a success. Lopach said that CVI “immediately owned up to the problem” and paid for a staffer to assist Fairfax County for two weeks. CVI also issued prepaid shipping labels to send ballot applications to the right office. In the end, benefiting from a state law that required election officials to forward and process every form, the group says it helped more than 280,000 Virginians sign up to vote by mail using CVI forms. Virginia’s Department of Elections said it could not immediately confirm CVI’s claim, as its ability to track registrations by third-party groups is limited.