Election 2020

St. Cloud faith leaders warn of ‘ruthless behavior’ ahead of election

Faith leaders in St. Cloud are making a call for civility leading up to and following the Nov. 3 election.

Greater St. Cloud Faith Leaders is an organization that includes members of Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish and other faith communities. It formed about six years ago in response to vandalism at a St. Cloud mosque.

Last week, the group circulated a letter saying members have seen "harsh words and actions abounding in these past months."

“Our fear is that these ruthless behaviors will only continue on Election Day and beyond,” the letter states. It urges members of faith communities to seek peace, respect and civility in the coming weeks.

Kateri Mancini, director of social concerns for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud, and chairperson of the group, said the group meets monthly to discuss mutual issues and concerns. At a recent meeting, several members voiced concern about the divisive language and actions they have been sensing within their faith organizations as well as in the broader St. Cloud community, she said. 

"We really want to encourage the people of our communities, and throughout the St. Cloud area, to live out these values that we're not always seeing lived out right now in this very polarized climate that we're in,” Mancini said.

Faith leaders are sharing the letter with their congregations in newsletters or church bulletins, or reading it aloud during worship services, she said.