Head of anti-violence group in a fight with COVID-19

VJ Smith
VJ Smith is CEO and president of the Men Against Destruction, Defending Against Drugs and Social-disorder — MAD DADS — Minneapolis chapter.
Brandt Williams | MPR News 2013

Usually, VJ Smith delivers his message of peace and nonviolence through a bull-horn surrounded by other green shirted members of MAD DADS on a street corner or parking lot.

But Thursday, in a video message posted on Facebook, Smith’s voice was weaker. Speaking from a hospital bed with an oxygen tube looped around his ears and under his nose, Smith urged community members to stop fighting and protect themselves from the virus. 

“We have to start masking up,” said Smith. “And stay away from all that fighting and cussing and screaming and spitting on each other.”

Smith said he has COVID-19 and double pneumonia. He said the hospital is “filling up with people” infected with the same disease. And Smith said some people won’t make it out of there alive. 

“This is a very terrible virus,” he said. “It’s killing our people. We have to protect ourselves. We have to look out for ourselves.”

Smith thanked people for sending prayers and stuffed animals.  And he told them he will be back out on the streets as soon as he can. 

“God is going to make it possible for me to get out of here,” said Smith. “He’s got work for me to do.”