Census workers begin door knocking this week in Minneapolis

Flyers with information about the census sit on a table.
The nonprofit CLUES held outreach events earlier this year in the Twin Cities Latino community to answer questions about the 2020 census.
Christine T. Nguyen | MPR News file

Census takers will begin knocking on doors this week in Minnesota.

They will be visiting households that haven't responded to the 2020 census by mail, online or by phone.

The census determines how federal funding is allocated for schools and roads, among other things.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the timeline has changed for collecting information. The original deadline to complete the census was July 31, but that has been extended to Oct. 31.

Workers will begin knocking on doors in Minneapolis on Thursday, and throughout the rest of the state starting on Aug. 11.

Census workers won't have to visit as many homes compared to other states. Minnesota has a response rate of about 72 percent, the highest in the country.

The census taker will be wearing a mask and will maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from the resident. The process takes place outside the house.

Some residents such as undocumented immigrants may be apprehensive to give information to the government. Minnesota census coordinator Sam Fettig says all information that is collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential and won't be shared with other federal agencies, law enforcement or landlords.