Politics and Government News

Trump defends symbolism of photo-op at St. John's Church

The bishop who oversees St. John's condemned President Trump's photo op in front of the boarded-up church. But Trump said he had heard from evangelical leaders who approved of the move.
The bishop who oversees St. John's condemned President Trump's photo op in front of the boarded-up church. But Trump said he had heard from evangelical leaders who approved of the move.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

President Trump defended what he called a "very symbolic" photo op on Monday in front of St. John's Church, saying he had heard from evangelical leaders who approved of the event, and dismissing criticism as partisan.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, who oversees the church, had criticized Trump's Monday event, saying that he had used "violent means" to clear the area of protesters, and did not pray at the church nor offer "balm or condolence to those who are grieving" and protesting the death of George Floyd.

But in an interview on Fox News Radio on Wednesday, Trump said evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham and Robert Jeffress — who are prominent Trump supporters — approved of the symbolism of the event.

"Most religious leaders loved it," Trump said. "Why wouldn't they love it?"

"It's only the other side that didn't like it," Trump said.

Pressed on what he planned to do to address longstanding concerns about police brutality against African Americans, Trump said "we have to get the police departments to do better," but he did not offer specifics.

He repeated his threat that he would bring in military forces to address violent protests if states refused to use the National Guard to help quell rioting. "If they don't get their act straightened out, I will fix it," he said.

Trump also confirmed that he spent time in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center — a bunker underneath the White House — last weekend. But he denied reports that he was rushed to the bunker by the Secret Service due to concerns about his safety during the protests.

He said he had visited the center for a "very short period of time" during daytime hours "more for an inspection" but he said he was not told by the U.S. Secret Service to shelter in the bunker.

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