MPR News Presents

'Lest We Forget': The voices of WWII veterans

An elderly man holds the hand of and looks at a young boy.
Nine-year-old Christian O'Brien greets 98-year-old World War II Navy veteran Joseph Stephes at Target Field in Minneapolis in 2019. Stephes served for six years on the USS Wichita where he shot down fighter planes and saw the aftermath of the bombing of Nagasaki.
Evan Frost | MPR News 2019

On the 2020 Memorial Day edition of MPR News Presents, you'll hear the voices of World War II veterans, as they were collected by the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Vietnam veteran and former U.S. Sen. Max Cleland hosts our Memorial Day program, called "Lest We Forget."

Editor’s note: When this program originally aired on MPR News and was posted here, it included a quote with a racist term used to describe Japanese people. That was a mistake. We apologize for including the language in the program and have removed it.