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That's cold: Twin Cities may see first measurable Mother's Day snow since 1946

Freeze warnings again Saturday for parts of southern Minnesota

The chilly weather Friday is the beginning of a colder temperature trend that lasts through most of next week.  It will be cold enough to bring snow to parts of Minnesota over the weekend.

Friday’s forecast

Friday started off unseasonably cold, with some spots in northern Minnesota near record lows and southern Minnesota under a freeze warning.

Into the afternoon, the state only warms into the 40s, even under sunny skies. That puts temperatures 10 to 20 degrees below average.  

Friday high temperatures.
Friday high temperatures.
National Weather Service

Additionally, breezy conditions, especially for southern Minnesota could make wind chill temperatures feel 5 to 10 degrees cooler.

Friday afternoon winds.
Friday afternoon winds.
National Weather Service

Weekend storm

Temperatures drop again overnight, leading to another freeze warning for most of southern Minnesota Saturday morning. 

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Freeze warning 1 a.m. to 8 a.m. Saturday
National Weather Service

Rain and snow will also start moving across the state by early Saturday with a storm that will track across the state. 

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Storm position midday Saturday
Tropical Tidbits

Because afternoon temperatures should be milder Saturday, with more of the state in the 50s, most of the precipitation with the storm will be light rain.

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Saturday afternoon precipitation
National Weather Service

A lot of the state will see under one quarter-inch of total liquid precipitation, and northeastern Minnesota expected to stay dry. However, due to the cold air, northwestern Minnesota will see snow early Saturday morning, with about an inch of snow possible near the Red River Valley. 

For central and southern Minnesota, snow is more likely to mix in Saturday night into early Sunday.  Any snow will remain light, but accumulation is possible and areas north of Interstate 94 could see over an inch. 

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Weekend snowfall forecast
National Weather Service

If the Twin Cities sees measurable snow Sunday morning, it will be only the second time seeing snow on Mother’s Day since the holiday began. 

Most of the precipitation clears out by later Sunday morning, but the colder air behind the storm keeps the day cold, with highs in the 40s.

Extended forecast

The rest of next week remains colder and drier than average. Because of the renewed colder air behind the weekend weather system, Monday and Tuesday morning will be cold enough for another frost risk in southern Minnesota while other parts of the state could see record lows. 

High temperatures remain stuck in the 40s and 50s most of the week before finally getting back toward average by next weekend.  The next rain chance comes in the middle of the week, but that currently looks lighter.  We’ll keep you updated as that approaches.

Have a lovely Mother’s Day weekend!

Programming note

You can hear my live weather updates on Minnesota Public Radio at 7:48 a.m. Monday through Friday morning.