Education News

Calling all graduating seniors: What do you want to say to the class of 2020?

Adolfo Saldana Lara speaks at his graduation
Adolfo Saldana Lara addressed his fellow graduates in June 2015 at the John F. Kennedy Senior High School graduation ceremony at Mariucci Arena in Minneapolis. What would you like to say to your fellow graduates?
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2015

The class of 2020 is unlike any other. 

Graduating seniors this year have lost so many of the things that make senior year special — prom, the last day of school, graduation ceremonies — at least, in person.

We’d like to help spread the commencement well-wishes that would have been. 

Seniors: What would you want to say to your graduating class if you could? What should people know about the class of 2020?

If you’re not a graduating senior, but know someone who is: Please share this with them!

Upload a video or audio clip of your message — as a speech, a message, a piece of music, a work of art or something else entirely — and we might put it on the air and on our website. Two minutes or less, please!

Help us introduce all of Minnesota to the class of 2020.