MPR News Presents

National Science Foundation documentary: Listening to the Arctic

Arctic sea ice near Ellsmere Island in Canada.
Arctic sea ice near Ellsmere Island in Canada.
Photo by Michael D. Lemonick

Diminishing sea ice and land ice and rising sea levels — what's happening in the Arctic is a bellwether for how the world is changing. Scientists, social scientists and engineers are trying to learn more about the rapid pace of change in the Arctic.

The Arctic is warming faster than nearly everywhere else on Earth, bringing with it new opportunities and unprecedented risks — environmental, social, economic, cultural, legal and political.

Hundreds of researchers and indigenous groups are joining forces to unravel the mysteries and make the scientific observations necessary to understand and meet the challenges of this rapidly changing region.

This documentary takes you to the people and places where scientific research is being done to understand the Arctic and climate change and its impact on the rest of the world.

Produced by Richard Paul and the National Science Foundation. Learn more at rlpaulproductions’ website.