White House update: Coronavirus supply effort and new border restrictions

Flanked by members of the coronavirus task force, President Trump speaks during a briefing on the latest development of the coronavirus outbreak in the James Brady Briefing Room at the White House on Friday.
Flanked by members of the coronavirus task force, President Trump speaks during a briefing on the latest development of the coronavirus outbreak in the James Brady Briefing Room at the White House on Friday.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Updated at 1:16 p.m. ET

With concerns mounting over supply shortages in combating the coronavirus, the Trump administration is trying to show it's in control of the sprawling crisis.

President Trump said Friday he had begun to use his power under a Cold War-era law to direct the production of protective equipment, especially masks, and other medical devices to respond to shortfalls around the country.

"It's probably more masks ... the states are having a hard time getting them ... the act is very good for getting things like this," Trump said. "They will be here soon. We're having them shipped directly to states."

Trump also said General Motors might become involved with retooling its automotive production lines in such a way to produce ventilators, but those details weren't clear. The president also suggested other manufacturers were involved too.

The White House is holding now one of its now daily briefings. Watch it here.

Trump also said that negotiations continue with members of Congress about what more stimulus the government can provide for an economy seizing up from business closures and social distancing. Many Americans' lives have been disrupted and millions could be out of work.

Trump said he'd spoken with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Friday but the parameters of the forthcoming legislation aren't yet clear.

Border restrictions

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also said on Friday that partial border restrictions agreed earlier this week with Canada would take effect at midnight and a similar arrangement would be in effect on the border with Mexico.

Pompeo and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said the restrictions would permit the continued flow of commerce and some travel but aim to curtail as many of what they called non-essential crossings as practical.

Warning to men

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House's pandemic response coordinator, told reporters on Friday that she had noted men appear to be dying in greater numbers than women who've been afflicted by the coronavirus.

Birx said that underscored the need to continue to protect the most vulnerable populations, including those in nursing homes, and more broadly for all Americans to keep up the mitigation procedures that have disrupted life across the nation.

"When you see the sacrifices Americans have made, the sacrifices the service industry has made so the spread is discontinued, you really understand how important it is for all of Americans to make the same sacrifice," Birx said.

She continued to urge people who are feeling sick to stay home and to avoid groups of more than 10 people. Officials also encourage frequent hand-watching to disrupt the spread of the virus.

Question over hydroxychloroquine

Trump continued to talk up the prospective use of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which he has said he's optimistic about fielding as a treatment for coronavirus sufferers.

Public health officials are much cooler, however, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House's response team, said on Friday that he wants to see clinical results before he endorses the uses of hydroxychloroquine or other drugs developed for other purposes to treat COVID-19.

Trump became irritated and said that he was just expressing his hope that it could be a big difference-maker: "What the hell do you have to lose?" he said.

Fauci sought to split the difference between the interpretations they gave.

"It might be effective," he said. "I'm not saying it isn't" — what remains important is to develop clinical evidence about its effectiveness, Fauci said.

Relief for students

Trump also said Friday that the Department of Education would not enforce required standardized testing for students in elementary and high school.

That should result in less complexity for schools and students that have been badly disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, officials hope. Trump also reiterated that he'd used his authority to suspend student loan interest payments for two months.

"That's a big thing, that's going to make students very happy," Trump said.

"Esprit de corps"

Health care facilities across the country have reported shortages of supplies as seemingly simple as swabs in addition to protective gear and ventilators.

On Thursday, Trump and Vice President Pence teleconferenced with governors from the Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters, a day after Trump signed "Phase 2" of coronavirus relief measures.

Pence addressed concerns over supply shortages, saying, "President Trump has been engaging industry leaders in the supply chain across the country to make sure that personal protective equipment and medical supplies are broadly available."

Pence said the administration is currently surveying health care providers and supplies.

He said officials have identified tens of thousands of ventilators, including some that can be converted to treat coronavirus patients. The vice president instructed governors to take inventory of medical supply needs and check on their supply chains.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem voiced concerns that her state may be overlooked because it is smaller.

She said that her state lab had run out of reagent supplies needed for testing and that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had pushed for her state to order through commercial suppliers that were canceling orders. She said that in one case, a hospital received reagents even though it wasn't equipped to run tests for the coronavirus.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar instructed her to get in touch with her regional FEMA director and said he would help her after the call.

Azar said on Friday that part of his struggles have involved with messaging to states and laboratories what is available to them without action by the federal government.

He told an anecdote about being contacted about the need for "swabs," which he said his staff was able to "go out and find" and then send to states that need them.

"Usually it's that people don't understand there are lab supplies in the marketplace," Azar said.

Weeks more of disruptions

Trump and White House officials defended the disruptions to life around the United States and the severe costs associated with the crisis.

Fauci said there was no moral way to look at the effects of the outbreak in China and Italy and then look at the United States and say, "just let it rip," he said. The right decision is to pursue the mitigation measures that are in effect, he argued.

Trump said it would take as many as two more weeks' worth of mitigation and social distancing to see how well the precautions are working and then determine what to do next.

"We can bring our finances back very quickly," he said. "We can't bring the people back."

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