MPR News Update

Friday a.m. update: What to do with $1.5 billion

Good morning and welcome to the weekend. Here’s the news you need to know this Friday.

Another mild winter day with a weekend thaw in sight. Twin Cities highs in the upper 20s with a chance of morning flurries on Friday. Nighttime lows around 14. Statewide, mostly sunny with highs from the lower 20s to lower 30s. At night, lows in the teens. More on Updraft. | Forecast

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Minnesota has a predicted $1.5 billion budget surplus, and lawmakers need to find what to do (or not do) with it. MPR News’ Brian Bakst and David H. Montgomery write: “Lawmakers will use the $1.5 billion forecast as the basis for a revised budget in the current legislative session. Going from a large surplus to a slightly larger surplus didn’t change the dynamic at the Capitol, where Democrats want to spend more on education and Republicans back tax cuts.”

The controversial Line 3 oil pipeline replacement project has three crucial draft permits. A public comment period on the draft permits for Enbridge Energy’s plan opens Monday. Reports Dan Kraker: “While the release of the draft permits and certification do not guarantee that the MPCA will eventually issue final permits, it does signify that the agency is confident that Enbridge can construct the pipeline while complying with water quality standards.”

South Carolina Democrats have their presidential primary Saturday. Joe Biden has a commanding lead in the latest polling averages. Bernie Sanders is a distant second, trailing Biden by 12.6 points. Sen. Amy Klobuchar is in sixth place with just 3.8 percent support. Turn on your radio or visit for live coverage and results on Saturday.

Minnesota schools need a coronavirus plan, the Health Department says. "We want you to start thinking about this both so that you're aware that this may impact how you do your work … or it may impact some of the institutions in your life, including something as basic as schools," said Kris Ehresmann, director for infectious diseases at the Minnesota Department of Health.

We have a winner for our Minnesota Made Matchup … and I’m gonna make you click on the link to find out our audience’s favorite thing made in Minnesota. Thanks for playing, folks.

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