Outside in MN

Quiz: Can you recognize a state park in just one photo?

How well do you know Minnesota's state parks?

Fog hugs the shore of Lake Superior as seen from Palisade Head.
Fog hugs the shore of Lake Superior as seen from Palisade Head Friday, June 28, 2019 at Tettegouche State Park.
Derek Montgomery for MPR News 2019

Are you a state park super fan? Think you could recognize one from a photo alone? Here’s your chance to prove it.

Take the quiz below if you fancy yourself an expert on Minnesota’s parks — or just to learn more about the amazing views you can find in our state.

Can’t see the quiz? Click here.

Want to visit these views yourself? Become a member this Saturday or Sunday at $15 per month or make a $180 one-time gift and select the Minnesota State Parks Year-Round Permit as our thanks to you. It grants you access to the 75 state parks and recreation areas across Minnesota!