Politics and Government News

Klobuchar slams Trump on handling of Iran during campaign stop in New Hampshire

Amy Klobuchar talks in front of press microphones
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar talks with reporters while campaigning in New Hampshire Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020. Klobuchar said she predicted escalating tension between the U.S. and Iran when President Trump walked away from the nuclear agreement.
Mark Zdechlik | MPR News

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar told a convention of politically active college students from several states that she predicted escalating tensions with Iran when the Trump administration abandoned the nuclear weapons deal.

Klobuchar also said Congress needs to be involved as rhetoric heightens.

“We shouldn’t be entering any kind of conflict anywhere, much less in the Mideast, without him going to Congress to ask for an authorization of military force. He does not have that right to make that decision,” she said.

Prior to her speech, Klobuchar addressed Trump’s threatening tweets toward Iran, saying she couldn’t believe he suggested the U.S. would target cultural sites.

“This goes to the core of any country. It would be like someone threatening to bomb out sites in our country,” she said. “Think about the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial.”

As for the impeachment, Klobuchar said she and other senators need to question witnesses in their upcoming trial, including former National Security Adviser John Bolton, who said he’ll testify if asked.