News update

MPR News AM Update: A decline in Lake Superior’s ‘gold’

The saltie Federal Margaree passes under the Aerial Lift Bridge
The "saltie" freighter Federal Margaree passes under the Aerial Lift Bridge in Duluth just after sunrise. It was in the Twin Ports to pick up a load of grain.
Andrew Krueger | MPR News 2018

Good morning and welcome to a new week. Here’s what you need to know to get it started.

A warm start to the week. The Twin Cities and southern Minnesota will have highs in the 40s, with highs in the 30s farther north. Southwest and western central parts of the state could see some rain and wintry precipitation moving east and north later in the day. More on Updraft. | Forecast

Lake Superior’s commercial fishing industry needs cisco, and the fish are increasingly less available. As the Water Main’s Dan Ackerman reports, the fish are in high demand for their meat and eggs, known as the great lake’s “gold.” But the climate-change-caused decline in winter lake ice levels are likely causing the cisco population’s steady drop over the past decade.

State officials have received an overwhelming response for training to help agriculture workers’ mental health. The “safeTALK” training sessions are for people who want to recognize and help people experiencing a mental health crisis. Find more information on how to participate here.

Facing a housing crisis, Duluth is giving away land. Mayor Emily Larson says she wants people with ideas to come forward and pitch their plans for housing developments to go on 19 lots throughout the city’s urban core. The lots are valued between $5,000 and $15,000 a piece.

In Rochester, will a new shelter help people living on the margins? The city’s homeless population is increasing and city leaders are trying to help people who don’t have steady or any place to stay. As winter comes, a new homeless shelter’s effectiveness will be put to the test.

Amy Klobuchar has increased her support in a main Iowa poll. A new poll from the Des Moines Register this weekend put the senator at 6 percent support for the Democratic presidential nomination in Iowa, an increase from her 3 percent standing in the same poll in September.

What’s something you are curious to learn about in your community? We want to know more about you and your life in Minnesota. Send us your questions here and we’ll try to track down the answers.

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