News update

What's on the radio today: Nov. 4, 2019

Here’s your radio lineup for Monday, Nov. 4.

9 a.m. — MPR News with Kerri Miller

Millennials and Gen Z say: OK Boomers. You broke America. Now you say you can fix it? What happens if a Baby Boomer president is tasked with fixing what the Baby Boom broke?

10 a.m. — 1A with Joshua Johnson

We're a year out from the election. Polling suggests many have given up on a political system that's bent badly out of shape. And a significant number say they'd be OK with leader who doesn't have to bother with Congress or elections. How do we renew America's faith in its democratic process? Is it too late to win some people back?

11 a.m. — MPR News with Angela Davis

Lead contamination coming from Water Gremlin is bringing new attention to the dangers of lead poisoning. On Monday host Angela Davis will get an update on Water Gremlin and then she’ll talk with someone from the Minnesota Department of Health about what to look for and how to prevent it.

For the rest of this hour, we're going to focus on slavery and its legacy here in Minnesota. MPR News’ Tim Nelson sat down with the authors of two recent books that look at racial inequality and the legacy of slavery in Minnesota.

Noon — MPR News Presents

A new MPR News and APM Reports documentary by host/producer Max Nesterak and editor Catherine Winter: "Uprooted: The 1950's Plan to Erase Indian Country."