News update

What's on the radio today: Oct. 21, 2019

9 a.m. — MPR News with Kerri Miller

Whistleblowers play a big role in American history. But for most, the decision to speak up is also the hinge on which their whole life turns.

10 a.m. — 1A with Joshua Johnson

Around one in eight women in the U.S. has trouble getting pregnant. Fertility clinics can be expensive and the medicine complicated. What happens when a doctor abuses their position of power? A new investigation looks at what can go wrong in the places meant to keep us healthy.

11 a.m. — MPR News with Angela Davis

MPR News’ Angela Davis talks with a Harvard economist and an award-winning journalist who teamed up to study how to raise extraordinary children, and then wrote a book about it called “The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children.”

Noon — MPR News Presents

Produced by Maja Beckstrom and Sasha Aslanian, a new APM Reports documentary, “Fading Minds: Why There’s Still No Cure For Alzheimer’s.”

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