What would you do if you were #governorforhours

Governor-elect Tim Walz answers questions
Tim Walz answers questions inside the Minnesota State Capitol alongside his wife Gwen Walz, left, and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, right, on Nov. 8, 2018.
Evan Frost | MPR News 2018

Minnesota had a temporary governor for about 2 1/2 hours today in the form of Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan while Gov. Tim Walz underwent knee surgery.

Flanagan didn't do anything of note with her time at the helm and Gov. Walz resumed official authority by about 3 p.m. In the meantime, MPR News politics reporter Brian Bakst posed a hypothetical to Twitter:

Some people said they'd use their position to address the issues important to them.

Giant public health party on the Capitol mall. Free immunizations for anyone behind schedule. Giant plush bacteria pillow fights for kids. Hourly parade on MLK boulevard, MN public health rockstars like @katybkoz & @LynnBlewett serve as grand marshals. #governorforhours

— ?️z? Allie March, MPH (she/her) (@allie_mnhealth) June 20, 2019

Completely disband the Met Council.

— Joshua (@j_w_84) June 20, 2019

An investigation of why the MPCA thinks destroying tribal wild rice water is OK.

— Steve Timmer (@stevetimmer) June 20, 2019

Others said they'd take a more mischievous approach if given the chance.

Duck, duck, gray duck will be codified by state law. The Zipper Merge is outlawed. Those who take the last piece will risk a stiff fine.

— Robert Moffitt (@justplainbob) June 20, 2019

cancel the State Fair.

— j. patrick coolican (@jpcoolican) June 20, 2019

Quadriga rides for all!https://t.co/ZVIat8NAcs pic.twitter.com/G8sOFPMBqh

— Jennifer Brooks (@stribrooks) June 20, 2019

I'd find whoever's next in line of succession and transfer duties with them alternate minutes. "No, YOU'RE the governor."

— Steve Q (@amy_surplice) June 20, 2019

Open up that balcony that's never open to the public for 6 hours.

— WatchYourRepsMN (@WatchYourRepsMN) June 20, 2019

Hmm, pull out the proclamation pad and designate each of the hours a designated state hour for minor celebrities?

— Indivisible MNLeg (@IndivisibleMNLo) June 20, 2019

"If my mom calls, patch her right through. No matter what. Please address her as 'The Mother of the Governor' and let her know she will be put right through."

Two dozen calls later I wouldn't get much official work done but it would make my mom's day. #governorforhours

— Julia Schrenkler (@juliaschrenkler) June 20, 2019

Invade the Dakotas. #governorforhours

— Welcome back, Cotter (@cacotter) June 20, 2019

And two Twitter users said they'd use their power to issue a challenge to Virginia.

Take a selfie with captured Virginia Confederate Flag and post to Corey Stewart's FB Page, saying "you can always come back home."#govenorforhours

— DEC (@freealonzo) June 20, 2019

Fly the battle flag of Virginia captured by the Minnesota First. @GovernorVA can have it if he can reach it, but only before my hours expire.

— Clay Schwartzwalter (@ClaytheSchwartz) June 20, 2019

Flanagan did take issue with one of the policy ideas.

Have you met me? ? https://t.co/K4ofbVCc7a pic.twitter.com/XQ7VzDbntT

— Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan (@LtGovFlanagan) June 20, 2019

What would you do?