St. Paul school staffer on leave after racist remarks heard on video

The superintendent of the St. Paul Public Schools is apologizing and a staff member is on administrative leave after a "disturbing" video with "racist and foul" language surfaced on social media.

The video from Highland Park Middle School appears to show the staff member talking and referring to students with profanity and the N-word in the audio.

Superintendent Joe Gothard posted an apology on the district's website Thursday afternoon, saying educators should be held to a higher standard.

"I can assure you that we are taking appropriate actions and conducting a thorough review of this situation. It's up to us to repair harm, rebuild trust, to work together as a community in service of educating our children," Gothard said.

The district has not identified the staff member involved.

"We know this situation represents a failure on our part," Gothard said, "and we will not fall silent in the face of racism in our schools and we will not make excuses for the harm this causes the children you place in our care."