Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Mississippi: 8th-highest crest Sunday; first 70 next weekend?

Our weather maps turn another springlike corner this week in Minnesota.

Temperatures climb a springy ladder this week through the upper 40s and 50s. By Friday, the strongest warm front of the young season blows in. The season's first 70-degree temperatures threaten to send bank thermometers into a blinking frenzy this weekend.

No foolin'.

But first, the last few snowy gasps may drop a dusting along the Interstate 90 corridor in the wee small hours Tuesday morning.

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A second front sweeps across northern Minnesota with a few snow showers possible Tuesday. It should be mild enough for a few sprinkles of rain in the Twin Cities Tuesday afternoon.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's NAM 3 km resolution model captures the essence of the two minor weather systems sweeping across Minnesota Monday night and Tuesday.

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NOAA NAM 3 km resolution model tonight and Tuesday via tropical tidbits.

Milder days ahead

April in Minnesota is more spring than winter.

Most years.

Temperatures climb slowly this week. A warm front blows into Minnesota Thursday night. That may put a spring in your step Friday and into next weekend. Thermometers push blissfully close to 70 degrees next weekend.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

The longer range forecast suggests continued milder than average temperatures through most of next week. As of right now, I just don't see any big bad April snowstorms lurking this year. Weather fingers (and toes) crossed.

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Rivers slowly falling

Many rivers in southern Minnesota have now crested and are slowly falling this week. Sunday evening's crest on the Mississippi at St. Paul marks the eighth-highest flood of record. It's also the highest water level in five years.

The Crow River has crested and is now falling steadily. Here's the hydrograph at Delano.

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The St. Croix is near crest at Stillwater.

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The news for the Red River at Fargo, N.D., is better than it looked two to three weeks ago.

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This is one of the most well-timed dry spells in the history of spring flooding in Minnesota.

Happy spring.