In Cuba, climate change means harsher hurricanes and tough coffee growing

The coastline in Havana, Cuba.
The coastline in Havana, Cuba.
Paul Huttner | MPR News

MPR News chief meteorologist Paul Huttner visited Cuba last week and got a lesson on how climate change is affecting the island country.

That long Cuban coastline is extremely vulnerable to storm surge. Hurricane Irma's surge pushed several feet of water in the streets of Havana.

A coffee plant in Cuba.
A coffee plant in Cuba.
Paul Huttner | MPR News

One person Huttner met on his trip was Jose Rubiera, a meteorologist. Rubiera, a hurricane expert, said his big concern is the growing link between warmer oceans and more rapidly intensifying hurricanes.

Learn more about climate change in Cuba by listening to Huttner's story on the audio player above.