Should Minnesota adopt paid family leave?

House DFLers want to create a system that would provide paid family leave to all Minnesota workers.

The benefit would be available to new parents, to people caring for a seriously ill relative and for other specific emergencies. It's a key piece of the DFL agenda at the Capitol this year, but the plan is likely to face a steeper climb in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Major players in the business community have concerns about the plan because it would require both employers and employees to contribute to a fund.

MPR News host Mike Mulcahy spoke with two lawmakers, one Democrat and one Republican, about how paid family leave would work, who would pay for it, and how likely it is to pass this session.


Rep. Ryan Winkler — DFL-Golden Valley, Majority Leader, Minnesota House of Representatives

Rep. Pat Garofalo — R-Farmington, Minnesota House of Representatives

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