Why climate change cost the U.S. $160 billion last year

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers crew walks through Lake Superior floodwaters.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers crew walks through Lake Superior floodwaters along the south pier in Duluth last year to close the pier gates. What they're walking on is usually an open lawn next to the Lift Bridge.
Andrew Krueger | MPR News

The world's biggest insurers say climate change is costing us billions.

The catastrophic extreme weather loss numbers for 2018 are in — our supercharged atmosphere dealt the U.S. $160 billion in losses last year.

This week on Climate Cast, Ernst Rauch, head of the Climate Group at Munich Reinsurance, explains how insurance companies are grappling with the massive financial toll.

Use the audio player to hear Paul Huttner's interview with Rauch, plus a Climate Story from Jay McCleary of Red Wing, Minn.