Call to Mind: Creativity and mental health

Dan Kraker hosted the "Call to Mind"
MPR News reporter Dan Kraker hosted the "Call to Mind" event at the Duluth Folk School on December 4, 2018.
Bryan French for MPR News

From MPR's "Call to Mind" initiative: Creativity and Mental Health.

The connections between mental well-being and creativity, the arts as a form of communication, coping, and therapy, and musical expression as healing.

Call to Mind is an MPR content initiative around issues of mental health.
Call to Mind is an MPR content initiative to inform and mobilize new conversations about mental health.

A community conversation to share experiences with mental health, and how the arts and creative self-expression have helped.

MPR's Dan Kraker hosted the conversation December 4, 2018 at the Duluth Folk School.

His guests were Sam Miltich, jazz guitarist, and Carolyn Phelps, PhD licensed psychologist & founder of Dream Life Psychological Services in Duluth.