Ask a bookseller

'Definitely not for the squeamish, but endlessly fascinating'

'Last Days' by Brian Evenson
'Last Days' by Brian Evenson
Courtesy of publisher

Every week, The Thread checks in with booksellers around the country about their favorite books of the moment. This week, we spoke with Josh Myers from Farley's Bookshop in New Hope, Pa.

The short pitch for "Last Days" by Brian Evenson?

"An ex-detective who retired after a particularly traumatic case is kidnapped by a cult who worship through amputation to find out who murdered their leader — who may or may not actually be dead."

That's Josh Myers' synopsis for this dark and disturbing mystery. He promises "you're not going to get anything quite like this from any other mystery."

"It's got this fever-dreamy quality to it, like a David Lynch movie with David Cronenberg's kind of body horror stuff," Myers said. "It's a good blend of mystery, horror — definitely not for the squeamish, but endlessly fascinating."

"If you're a fan of detective stories, this definitely going to be up your alley, but just a bit darker, a little bit more out of left field."

Last Days Last Days