Coming up: Climate change and the environment

The environment was not a central issue for voters in the 2018 midterm elections, despite a recent, dire study on global warming from the IPCC. While the report signals that we're at a point where we can no longer put off addressing climate change, for many, the consequences feel far away.

What efforts are being made in the United States to seriously address climate change?

MPR News host Mike Edgerly will also speak briefly with Julia Ponder of the Raptor Center to talk about the effects of lead bullets.


J. Drake Hamilton — Science policy director at Fresh Energy

Richard B. Alley — Geo-sciences professor at Pennsylvania State University

Julia Ponder — Executive Director at the Raptor Center

Tune in on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 11 a.m. to hear the full discussion.

To listen live you can click here.