Hunt continues for missing western Wis. girl after parents found dead

Jayme Closs
This undated photo provided by Barron County, Wis., Sheriff's Department, shows Jayme Closs. Authorities say that Jayme, who is missing, could be in danger after her parents were found dead in their home.
Courtesy of Barron County Sheriff's Department

Thirteen-year-old Jayme Closs remains "missing and endangered," but there's no danger to the community as the search continues for her and for clues to the killing of her parents, Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald said Tuesday.

Fitzgerald told reporters the community should call in if they find someone acting strangely. People who commit acts of violence will sometimes alter their routines, change their appearance or suddenly leave town, he said.

He didn't elaborate but added that "every second counts in this case."

Authorities also said a tip placing the girl's whereabouts in Miami is not credible. Fitzgerald said that Miami police tweeted the information without consulting with Wisconsin investigators.

Jayme Closs
This undated photo provided by Barron County, Wis., Sheriff's Department, shows Jayme Closs.
Courtesy of Barron County Sheriff's Department

Miami police earlier Tuesday reported that Jayme may have been seen Monday afternoon in that city and that if it was her she was in a black Ford Explorer. Fitzgerald wouldn't comment on that report other than to say that any information of importance would come through his office.

Fitzgerald said Jayme, who has been missing since her parents were found dead in their home, isn't a runaway and that they think she's in danger.

Fitzgerald said that he can't reveal why authorities believe Jayme is in danger because it could compromise the investigation. But he repeated his plea for the public's help in finding her.

Authorities on Monday found the bodies of Jayme's parents, later identified as James Closs, 56 and Denise Closs, 46. Fitzgerald said there had been gunshots, but wouldn't say if that's how the couple died. He said his office is working with Wisconsin state investigators as well as the FBI.

Fitzgerald said Jayme was last seen on Sunday afternoon where she attended a family gathering. Deputies went to the home in Barron after dispatchers received a 911 call from an unknown person at around 1 a.m. Monday.

Authorities say that Jayme Closs, a missing teenage girl could be in danger
This undated photo provided by Barron County, Wis., Sheriff's Department, shows Jayme Closs.
Courtesy of Barron County Sheriff's Department via AP

Fitzgerald told reporters Tuesday morning that the call was unusual because it came from the home on a cellphone but that the caller did not communicate with the 911 dispatcher. Law enforcement went to the house after determining that "some kind of disturbance" was happening there, he added.

Asked if there was a danger to the community, the sheriff said that there were "some unknowns in this case and we're following up on leads, but at this time I don't see a danger to the public."

Asked why this wasn't just a case of a runaway teen, Fitzgerald said, "I'm telling you Jayme's missing and endangered, and that's where I'm going to leave that."

Jayme is described as 5 feet tall and 100 pounds, with strawberry-blond hair and green eyes. Anyone with information should contact the sheriff's tip line at 855-744-3879.