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A book that proposes 'every living thing has two bodies'

'The Second Body' by Daisy Hildyard
'The Second Body' by Daisy Hildyard
Courtesy of publisher

Every week, The Thread checks in with booksellers around the country about their favorite books of the moment. This week, we spoke with Daley Farr at Milkweed Books in Minneapolis.

The best reads are the ones you find yourself still thinking about, even after the last page. That's the case for bookseller Daley Farr and "The Second Body" by Daisy Hildyard.

"I just finished it the other night, and I have been thinking about it for three days. It totally caught me by surprise," Farr said.

The short, nonfiction book explores climate change through the idea "that we have two bodies: the human body, which is us with our personalities and our normal human lives, and then this more kind of permeable, animal body that affects other life on earth, that interacts with water and other animals and the air."

"I loved it because it deals with a theoretical, complicated idea, but it's so readable. She's kind of funny and really straight-forward."

It's the kind of book that shifts how you see the world, Farr said. "It really knocked me out."

The Second Body The Second Body