Oil and water: The Line 3 debate

Opponents of Enbridge oil pipeline protest in Minneapolis

Enbridge Enery Line 3 Protest
A protester is suspended at the top of a tepee erected outside Wells Fargo in downtown Minneapolis Thursday during a protest against Enbridge Energy's planned Line 3 replacement crude oil pipeline across northern Minnesota.
Jeff Baenen | AP

Opponents have protested in downtown Minneapolis against Enbridge Energy's plan to replace its aging Line 3 crude oil pipeline across northern Minnesota.

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Protesters Thursday erected two large tepees outside a Wells Fargo building. Wells Fargo says while the San Francisco-based bank has a relationship with Canadian-based Enbridge and other energy companies, it is not funding the project.

A protester was suspended from atop one of the tepees. Others held signs and a demonstrator briefly chanted "Shame on Wells Fargo."

Enbridge wants to replace Line 3, which runs from Alberta across North Dakota and Minnesota to Wisconsin. American Indian and environmental activists contend the new line is not needed and would risk spills in fragile areas.

Opponents have asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission to reconsider its approval of Line 3.