The trials of women in climate science

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Some of the most qualified and accomplished climate scientists on earth are women. But are they getting the respect they deserve?

Sarah Myhre, a research associate in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington, starts the show off by giving us some perspective. Here's what else is on the show.

Some numbers that'll send you running for a tissue. Minnesota's ragweed season has gotten 18 to 21 days longer since 1995, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Brenda Hoppe, a senior epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health, explains what's going on.

A Climate Story. This week's comes from Jacob Herbers, a graduate student studying energy and climate policy.

Record flooding from Hurricane Florence still has cities, freeways, and farms in the Carolinas under water. A new study found that the stalled hurricane would deliver 50 percent more rainfall to the Carolinas, due to climate change.