Counter Stories: The Serena Williams cartoon and the shooting of Botham Jean

In this episode of Counter Stories, the group discusses the cartoon of Serena Williams that has been widely decried as racist. The cartoon was published by an Australian newspaper after the U.S. Open women's final in which Serena Williams and umpire Carlos Ramos got into some heated exchanges — and Williams was penalized.

The group also discusses the fatal shooting of Botham Shem Jean by an off-duty Dallas police officer. The officer who shot Jean lives in the same building as Jean and claims that she mistook his apartment for her own and believed he was an intruder.

Luz Maria Frias is president and CEO of YWCA Minneapolis.
Don Eubanks is an associate professor at Metropolitan State University.
May Losloso is a community organizer and activist.
Brandt Williams is a correspondent for MPR News.

Use the audio player to listen to their discussion.