IQ2 debate: 'Globalization has undermined America's working class'

Intelligence Squared debate at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
Intelligence Squared hosting a debate at the Aspen Ideas Festival about globalization. From left to right: Jared Bernstein, Thea Mei Lee, John Donvan, Jason Furman and James Manyika.
Leigh Vogel | The Aspen Institute

Globalization brought with it free trade and great corporate profits. But in the United States, the middle class is struggling as jobs in some industries disappear. Is globalization the problem?

Thea Lee, President of the Economic Policy Institute, teamed up with Jared Bernstein, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and former chief economist to Vice President Joe Biden. They argued that yes, globalization has undermined America's working class.

On the other side of the debate was Jason Furman, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and James Manyika, chairman and director of the McKinsey Global Institute.

The Intelligence Squared debate was held at the 2018 Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado.

To listen to the debate, click the audio player above.