Counter Stories: Police who shot Thurman Blevins won't face charges

This hour, the Counter Stories team discusses the fatal shooting of Thurman Blevins by Minneapolis police. On Sunday night, the city of Minneapolis released body camera footage of the incident. The following day, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced the officers who shot and killed Blevins in a north Minneapolis alley on June 23 will not face charges.

Counter Stories is our regular conversation on MPR News by people of color—for people of color, and everyone else. The team discusses recent news through the lens of race, identity, social justice and culture.

Luz Maria Frias is president and CEO of YWCA Minneapolis.
Don Eubanks is an associate professor at Metropolitan State University.
Acooa Ellis is senior vice president of community impact at the Greater Twin Cities United Way.
Jo Erickson is a producer at MPR News.

Use the audio player to listen to their discussion.