Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Nice Sunday ahead; summer rolls on

Sunday looks like a meteorological copy of Saturday across Minnesota.

Expect plenty of sunshine during the morning hours, then clouds puff up again in the heat of an afternoon summer sky. A few isolated thundershowers will blow up once again Sunday afternoon.

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Highs managed the 70s across most of Minnesota Saturday. The Twin Cities snuck up to 82 degrees, just 1-degree shy of average. Expect similar temperatures Sunday afternoon. Not bad for the last weekend in July. It could be much hotter.

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Easing into drought

Several areas of Minnesota are trending toward drought. This time of year soils can evaporate about .20" of moisture per day. That means you need about 1.50" of rain in summer weeks to break even. NOAA's GFS and other models project most of Minnesota will get less than an inch over the next 7 days.

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NOAA GFS rainfall output through next Friday via pivotal weather.

Steamy again next weekend?

Temperatures will be mostly comfortable next week. But it looks like it could get a little steamy again by next weekend.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Summer is not done with Minnesota just yet.