How are Minnesota cities preparing for climate change?

Climate change means more flash floods from extreme rainfall events.
Floods like the one in Mora, Minn., this month will become more prevalent under climate change.
Dan Kraker | MPR News file

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Mati, Greece. Santa Rosa, California. Houston, Texas. All overrun by climate change-enhanced firestorms and floods in the past year.

How are Minnesota cities preparing? That's where we start the show. Here's a rundown:

In Minnesota, climate change means more flash floods from extreme rainfall events. Our heavier, 21st-century climate rainfall is overwhelming out 20th century flood-control infrastructure. Laura Millberg, planner principal in sustainable development and climate resilience at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, joins MPR News chief meteorologist Paul Huttner to tell how cities here are preparing.

Nancy Beaulieu of the Leech Lake Reservation is this week's climate voice. Courtesy of Climate Generation's Talk Climate Institute, she talks about native culture and the environment, and the role of allies.

New York's massive floodwall plan. Most of the $65 million in damages from Hurricane Sandy in 2012 hit the From New York to the Jersey Shore. A new proposal would build a giant 5-mile-long barrier across New York harbor to stop future storm surges. Matthew Schuerman, a reporter with public radio station WNYC, explains New York's latest climate adaptation plan.