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Minnesota perfect now but spotty storms Wednesday; heat and wildfires globally

This may be the day you'll want to remember in January.

Sunny skies, light winds, low humidity and pleasantly warm temperatures grace Minnesota Tuesday. You could make the case we have the best weather on the planet.

Highs will rise to the upper 70s in northern Minnesota and low 80s in the south Tuesday afternoon.

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Spotty storms Wednesday

A cool front dives south through Minnesota Wednesday. Spotty storms will pop along the frontal zone as it moves southeast.

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NOAA NAM 3 km resolution model via tropical tidbits.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center gives a marginal risk for severe storms Wednesday over southern Minnesota.

Hints of September Thursday

Thursday's breezes will remind you that the cool season is never really that far away in Minnesota. Highs may not reach 70 in much of the state Thursday. Temperatures moderate again by the weekend.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

Record heat and wildfires

Minnesota is getting off lucky this summer. Record heat is taking hold in several spots around the globe. Deadly wildfires are sweeping through Greece this week.


Massive wildfires are also burning near the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia.

Temperatures have exceeded 90 degrees inside the Arctic Circle.

Japan is in the midst of a record heat wave.

Waco, Texas, saw the hottest all-time temperature on record.